Scientific Name:
Viscum album
Toxic Parts:
Flower Color:
woodlands, ornamental, gardens, fields

Geographical Distribution

Mistletoe distribution - United States


Viscum album

European mistletoe, Bird lime, Devil's fuge, Golden bough, Iscador, Eurixor, Plenosol, Iscucin, Isorel, Helixor
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Mistletoe (Viscum album) is an evergreen perennial with white or translucent berries that grow on the trunks and branches of deciduous trees. They are common holiday symbols sold frequently during the winter holiday season.

Toxic components
V. album contains viscotoxins which are toxic to poultry. Ingestion of all parts of the plant (other than the berries) can cause damage to the liver, central nervous system, and kidney.


  • behavioral changes
  • diarrhea


PHYSICAL CONTROL: In newly developed areas or in older established areas where trees are being replaced, the ideal method of controlling or preventing mistletoe is to plant trees believed to be resistant or moderately resistant to mistletoe.

For treatment of existing trees it is important to remove mistletoe before it produces seed and spreads to other limbs or trees. Mechanical control through pruning is the most effective method for removal. Growth regulators provide a degree of temporary control but repeated applications are required. Severely infested trees should be removed and replaced with less susceptible species to protect surrounding trees.
