Scientific Name:
Datura stramonium
Toxic Parts:
all, especially the seeds
tropane alkaloids
Flower Color:
roadsides, cornfields, pastures, waste areas

Geographical Distribution

Jimsonweed distribution - United States


Datura stramonium

Angel's Trumpet, Thorn Apple, Devil's Trumpet, Mad Apple, Stink Weed, Sacred Datura, Green Dragon, Devil's Trumpet
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Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), often referred to as thornapple, is a widespread large and coarse shrub of the Solanaceae family. D. stramonium has a large root and taproot system, with a green or purple hairless, erect, and branching stem. It has football to egg shaped, hairless or semi-hairless leaves which have wavy-toothed to wavy-lobed edges. Showy, white or purple, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom June through September. Egg-shaped spiny pod fruits stand erect from the forks of its branches, which contain tiny brown to black seeds.

Toxic components
Jimsonweed contains tropane alkaloids, which are anticholinergenic, meaning they reduce the metabolic effects of an important compound called acetylcholine. This compound stimulates muscles to contract and is important for brain activity and normal nerve function.


  • restlessness
  • loss of appetite
  • depression
  • dilated pupils
  • excessive thirst
  • increased respiratory rate


MECHANICAL CONTROL: hand-pulling while wearing gloves. Seedlings are readily killed by tillage. However, older plants may regenerate from lower nodes that are clipped or trampled. Hoe before weeds exceed 1/4 inch in height. Fire is effective on small jimsonweed.

CHEMICAL CONTROL: Several herbicides are effective.
