Scientific Name:
Solanum spp
Toxic Parts:
tropane steroidal alkaloids
Flower Color:
woodlands, fields, gardens, roadsides, pastures, haybales

Geographical Distribution

Nightshades distribution - United States


Solanum spp

Black nightshade, European bittersweet, Climbing Nightshade, Dogwood, Felonwood, Poison Berry, Scarlet Berry, Carolina horsenettle
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Nightshade plants (Solanaceae) consist of over 70 different species of flowering plants. Nightshades are native to North America and range from weedy shrubs to small trees. They are considered weeds and often found growing in cultivated fields, gardens, waste places and weedy pastures. The flowers are five-lobed and are white or purple flowers which form fleshy green berries or fruits which turn yellow or black once matured. The leaves or alternate or opposite, hairy or smooth, and some have prominent spines.

Nightshade Toxic Components
Nightshade plants contain tropane alkaloids, which are anticholinergenic, meaning they reduce the metabolic effects of an important compound called acetylcholine. This compound stimulates muscles to contract and is important for brain activity and normal nerve function.


  • dilated pupils
  • incoordination
  • prostration


CHEMICAL CONTROL: Metsulfuron methyl (Cimarron®) at 0.1 to 1 oz plus either 2,4-D or dicamba (Banvel®, Clarity®, Oracle®, Sterling®). Can be suppressed or controlled if triclopyr + 2,4-D (Crossbow®) is applied at 4 qts/A or applied with a handheld, high-volume applicator at 1.5% v/v mix with water.

MECHANICAL CONTROL: Can be hand-pulled but requires the removal of all stems to prevent resprouting.