Scientific Name:
Solanum tuberosum
Toxic Parts:
green or spoiled tubers, peelings, and s
steroidal alkaloids
Flower Color:
food, tablescraps, gardens, crops, pastures

Geographical Distribution

Potato distribution - United States


Solanum tuberosum

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Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) is an erect, multi-branches, herbaceous perennial that is cultivated for production of potatoes. Potato plants are native to South and Central America, however were introduced to other countries as a food source and is considered a weed in many countries such as the United States, Australia, South Africa, Turkey, India, Indonesia and Micronesia. The potato plant is a member of the Solanaceae (Nightshade) family, which includes tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants as well as highly toxic species such as belladonna, and Black henbane.

Toxic components
Uncooked potato tubers and green skin contain glycoalkaloids, which are toxic if ingested.
Toxic components in potatoes to poultry
At high levels, these chemicals can inhibit cholinesterase, induce teratogenicity, and disrupt cell membranes within the bird's intestinal epithelial barrier. Research conducted on mice and humans show that this disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier can initiate the onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). As a result, it permits luminal antigens unfettered access to the mucosal immune system and leads to an uncontrolled inflammatory response in the bird.

Exposure to light, physical damage, and age increase glycoalkaloid content. Cooking at high temperatures (over 170 °C (340 °F)) partly destroys these toxins.

Many animals, including chickens, ducks, and other poultry have died as a result of consuming toxic quantities of glycoalkaloids present in potato plants. Care should be taken to ensure any potato peelings and sprouts that are thrown in compost heaps are not accessible to poultry.